will a coral trout grouper eat everything in my tank?


i may have made the cardinal sin of marine aquarists!! i took the word of a fish store worker. he said this grouper would be okay with a fox face, volitan lion and a future huma huma trigger. the grouper is red with blue spots. he's about 4 to 5" long. when i got him home i looked on the web and think i may have made a mistake. i'd appreciate any input from people who are familiar with this fish.
What you have there is commonly known as a miniatus gropuer. They get about 12 inches, they can be rather aggressive with there tank mates but mainly just during feeding. Feed him silver sides, shrimp, krill and squid. These guys are extremely fast and will snatch food away from the other fish. As long as his tank mates are bigger there should be no problem, but if they can fit in his mouth , they will be lunch.


Active Member
I agree with snakes'n'fish with everything except about their size... at our store we have a minatus grouper that is 16" in our 400 gallon and is still growing rather quickly. He will eat about 1/2 a flat of silversides when we feed him.