Will a Harlequin Tusk eat a Cleaner wrasse

I know that a Harley will eat a cleaner shrimp, but do you guys think that it would eat a cleaner wrasse, these two fish will be going in my new 180, with some others, I was planning on getting the harley small, maybe they would get along?


Active Member
Small HTs are extremely hard to find.( The Australian variety almost impossible). Cleaner wrasse have one of the worst survival rates in the hobby; most perish within weeks. I know some folks have done OK with them, but that is the exception. Some big online dealers don't even sell them anymore, and others label them "expert only" of "difficult". Bob Fenner's book also makes a strong argument for leaving them on the reef. Its one fish that I'd never touch.


Active Member
Originally Posted by juniors04
I Currently have a cleaner wrasse with a Tusk. They get a long just fine.
How long have you had the two? HTs will often get along with any other fish, but will grab one at any time, if they are small enough to eat; or just don't want to put up with a small fish.