Will a yellow tang eat a featherduster?


Active Member
I have never heard of a yellow tang eating a feather duster. We have had both in our tank for months with no problem. Feather dusters, however, will occasionally drop their crown of feathers, but they will regrow. What else is in the tank?


I was just watching two days ago as my yellow tang picked at the stalk of my feather duster. The tang is well fed but as they are constant graizers I think he was looking for a snack on the stalk. I have had the yellow for about two to three months and just put the feather duster in a couple of weeks ago. When I first introduced the feather duster I noticed that he had fallen down a few times and later to see the yellow giving it kisses on it's neck, now I know why. I am open to suggestions as of why my yellow has a crush on the feather duster.


Active Member
The feather duster is actually a worm that lives inside the brown stalk... the stalk itself is a "house", not actually a physical part of the feather duster. More than likely, your tang was just picking at algae or something else on the stalk and inadvertantly dislodged it.


Active Member

Originally posted by jimang628
once a featherduster gets "spooked" it's done. I'd say 95% that lose their crown die soon thereafter.

I have to strongly disagree. Feather dusters typically lose their crown due to stress (agressive fish/decline in water quality/etc). Sometimes
they will die afterwards, but usually they regrow their crown of feathers within a week or so. Ours has lost his crown twice without any ill effects.
From SWF.com's description - "Feather Dusters are known to "throw" their crowns which usually regrow within a few weeks."
From another source - "The Feather Duster has a fan-shaped crown (radiole). If it is severely stressed, it will discard its crown, growing it back later."


Active Member
I agree with you kreach, partially. The key here is if they lose the crown on their own for whatever reason or if they lose it due to stressful conditions like constant nipping by other fish or some form of aggression. JMO
btw- I know it's kind of late but congrats on making your 1000!


Active Member
Thanks Harlequinnut, I should have been more specific. If the stressful conditions continue, then yes, the duster will die. My point was just that the loss of the crown is not what causes the death.
And thanks for the congrats! :joy:


Active Member

Originally posted by jimang628
mine lost there crowns, then left the tube, then well I'm sure you can figure out the rest.

JMO, but I'd say that the loss of the feathers was just a symptom of what killed the duster, not the actual cause.