will all these fish get along?


if i get the 24ga nano cube DX can i get these fish.
two percula clowns.
one watchman goby.
one lawnmower blenny
one firefish.
and a 20-30 gallon reef package


two questions:
1. What comes in the reef package?
2. What kind of watchman? (Tiger watchman goby is out of the question for a 24 gallon tank)
You may even have some room after this, but don't go crazy.


yellow watchman goby
reef package consist of.
Scarlet Hermit Crab: 10
Blueleg Hermit Crab: 10
Turbo/Astrea Snail: 20
Nasssarius Snail: 5
Brittle Star: 2
Coral Banded Shrimp: 1
Emerald Crab: 3
but i dont really want all that stuff, i dont want the starfish and i think i only want about 10 hermits total


you may be a little overstocked, with that many fish (i have four [maroon clown, pygmy angle, royal gramma, & lawnmower blenny] in a 29g. my trates stay at 20,which is to high imo) for a 24g. a lawnmower blenny also may not do well( i say MAY not) most only eat alge so he may starve. my lmb eats any foods i put in tank, but i have seen one of my friends lmb starve in a 55g. if your water is good, phosphates,trates, ect, then a 24g won't have enough alge to keep a lmb alive.


well then the LMB is out of the question. i just want to make sure my tank stays clean at the most natural way.


How bout some yellow clown gobies. Aka citron gobies on swf.
Perfect for nanos.
They don't sandsift but they are very small and cute.
The littles guys are only about an inch long , so i don't think it would make a difference in bioload.
I am thinking of getting more.