Will arranging rock work cause a cycle?


I have a 55 gal FOWLR. I actually have only one Clownfish and a small cleaner crew. I decided this weekend to re-arrange my rock work. It was time to do a water change. I also did about a 30-40% water change rather than my usual 20% due to brown and green hair algae. Without thinking it through I took out the rocks that were covered the most in green hair algae and scrubbed them with fresh water. I took out almost all of the water and put into buckets in order to stack rock. I then re positioned all rocks in the tank and put the water back in. The fish and inverts were in QT. I have added them back but am not sure if this was such a good idea. Will me messing around in the tank cause a cycle to begin? I have tested and all parameters are the same and ok. The only thing thast changed was the PH went down to 8.0 finally and ammonia is up to .50. Is this a problem? I know that if there is an ammonia spike that a cycle has begun but should the work in the tank cause a cycle? Thanks in advance!


Active Member
You will probably have some die off since you rinsed the LF in fresh water so you will probably have a cycle. If your ammonia is at .50 then your fish are in danger.