will CBS harm clowns?

Will a CBS harm clowns............I have read that they will eat small fish.........will an anemonie protect my clown from this shrimp?


My CBS got a percula the first night I put him in. It was very small, under half inch.
I have since replaced the clown with no problems but the CBS is very agressive. Goes after everything, even my hand. Has not drawn any blood but always makes me flinch. Plus mine does not hide at all. He is always moving around. Sits on top of rocks, not under them. I think I got a devil CBS.


My CBS has not killed anything to date - just seems to be the first one there when something dies for some scavaging. Of course, if your fish are small - then I hear things may be different. So far, so good for me. Outside of scaring anything that comes close to him, hes well bahaved.