Will Cleaner Shrimp Predate Tiny Perculas?


Got a couple small kine (approx .75") tank raised perculas at my LFS a couple weeks ago. Just now added them to my darkened DT and while I was watching it seemed they were being stalked by one of my cleaners!:scared:
The little buggahs are so small and stupid it looks like they could easily become prey to the larger cleaner shrimp. I promptly removed them back to the QT where I also BTW have jailed (in a smaller container) an antisocial (attacked my cleaners) strawberry dottyback which I don't know what to do with. Question is, can I trust the cleaners or is my QT destined to be a nursery/prison for the foreseeable future?


I have some cleaners and they are real harmless, but everytime one of my clowns get near the Cleanershrimp they seem to want to grab them and clean, that is their nature. My Cleaners will attack any fish who get near them just to clean them so I would'nt really worry my clowns where only a 1".


Active Member
I believe your cleaner was just trying to clean the fish. Mine gets so excited when I put a new fish in he climbs all over the fish to clean it. I have a small bi color blenny and my shrimp is huge,, he literally jumps on my bi pinning him down to clean him because my bi doesn't volunteer his self, so he gets cleaned whether he wants to or not.


Thanks Puffer & Cyclops

On considering your testimony I reintroduced the clowns to my DT night b4 last. All is well and peace reigns. :cheer: