Will Copper safe kill all?

the 55 aquarist

New Member
Ok none of my fish have ick(yet). but i would like to know if i were to put copper safe in my 55FO would it completely kill all the ick parasites? My tank has 1, yellow tang, a threadfin butterfly, 2 wrasses, a lion that can be moved in to a bigger tank if needed, and i have two fish that like lie on the rock and just "jump" to other rocks, and i have an arrow crab and a stone crab. Would i be able to put like 1 or 2 cleaner shrimp in my tank and not put in CopperSafe? Will the cleaner shrimp eat the ick eggs to completly get rid of the ick? Thanx


Active Member
Ok here is a question I have had for a while and altho it sounds strange it is one of those things that keep gnawing at you.
Say you have a tank (any size) and you get a ick outbreak and all the fish in it except say one shows signs of the ick but the one never does nor seems to care about the problem going on around it. Now let us say you move all but the one fish (or heaven help us they all die but the one, who again doesn't seem to care and just keeps eating and swimming). What I wonder is if you had been treating say with copper or Hypo or Greenx or whatever but it didn't solve the problem and now you have a tank with one happy fish who never seemed to get sick. Will the ick who for some reason ignored the one fish or could not get to it now get a hold on the fish or will it die off even tho that one fish is still in the tank.
This had happened to me a while back with the Banana Wrasse I used to post about that survived 3 different wipe outs in 3 different tanks over a few years time and never ever got sick NEVER. That darn fish was as bulletproof as any fish I have ever seen. I finally gave it to a friend about 6 months ago and it is doing fine in his 75 tank. My wife called it typhoid mary but I never thought it started the problems it just didn't get ill no matter what was going on around it. To this day I still am bothered about how it survived everything and never missed a beat.
Anyway what it gets down to is can Ick survive in a tank with a host it can not seem to attach to, and if anyone knows why would a fish be that immune to it (I know mandarins and others have a poison mucous coat that offers them some protection, but I doubt a wrasse would have that going for it).


Active Member
Thanks terry for the info. Altho I no longer have that fish it was bugging me as to how it kept surviving every thing. At the moment I have a 20 gallon in trouble and I have lost 4 fish but the baby snowflake is showing no signs of problems (this is one of my so called grow up tanks that I keep baby fish I buy in for a while). I have added a UV (8wt) to it (a bit of overkill probably) but I had a extra one not in use. I am dosing it with SeaCure Copper for a week and then will see if I can add a fish and see if it does ok. I decided not to move the eel just in case it is harboring the white devils (don't want to transfer it). Normally I would not treat a eel with copper but I know others that have done so with success for a short period.