will damsels be ok with tangs?


i have a tank which is about to have its 3 week anniversery. In a week i am going to purchace a 1-2in yellow tang. Will the tang be ok?
no reef, at least not until May 2002......


i have 2 dominos, 1 yellow tailed damsel, and two striped damsels. I wasnt going to add the tang until i had the tank for 1 1/2 weeks :)


Slow down,5 fish in there already + Tang need a minimum of 75 Gallons.The Dominoes are well know for their bad attitudes.I wouldn't put a Tang in there until atleast your tank has gone 2 months.


you can easily keep a yellow tang in a 75 with the damsels you have. I would however wait until the tank is about 2 months old before adding a tang.. just my opinion. the domino damsels get ugly when they get big, they have somewhat of a temper, but its overrated. you should be fine


Karvis, i agree with everyone else. put the tang in after 2 months if the water perimaters are good. i keep my tang with 6 yellow tail damsels and they were fine. But i have heard that the big dominoes can get very very very taratorrial. But the tang will probably do ok.....if the tang is larger than the damsels.


I don't think you need to wait that long IF your parameters are already optimal. Who's rule are you following, if I may ask?


Rockstar, this has nothing to do with this question, but my sister lives in brooklyn NewYork too!


2 months? I dont even think 2 months is long enough to wait for a tang. I would give it more like 4 months for the tank to mature. You need to establish excellent water parameters and a good bacterial bed. 5 fish is more than you should put in a 3 week old tank. After 3 weeks the tank probably isnt even finished totaly cycling yet. Space the addition of new fish out more too. You should wait like a month after your first fish, then 3 weeks after second fish, 2 weeks after third, and then a week after each additional. Always watch the water parameters too. You also have to remember with 5 fish in a 75 gallon you are approaching your maximum, that is if you havent already reached it yet. 1 inch of fish for every 5 gallons of water. That means 15 inches of fish. I wouldnt push it past 1 inch for every 2 gallons.