Will Dwarf Lion eat tankmates?


Hi All. We are thinking about getting a Dwarf Lion for our 55g but are concerned if it will get big enough to eat it's tankmates. Tankmates are a False Perc, Bicolor Blenny, and Sunrise Dottyback.
Thanks in advance!


If you REALLY want one, go with a fu manchu lion, they only get about 4" so it will be harder to eat your other fish.. but the post above me is correct so get a small one and hope for the best. Even with a smaller dwarf there are no guarantees


Actually, the false perc is the largest and most aggressive out of the three. Perhaps it's better to stay on the safe side and not get a lion fish right now. I just wasn't sure how big a dwarf lion actually got and if it would be able to fit one of those smaller fishes in it's mouth.
I must be lucky but I have 2 false percula, 2 yellow tail damsels, a saddleback clown, a 3 line damsel, and a six line wrasse with my zebra lion. he avoids them. Swims around, eats brine shrimp and krill (thawed from frozen) and never bothers anything.
The most aggressive is the saddleback clown. He's a real bully.


dont do it, i had a small 3" dwarf in a 100 gallon with tonnes of rock and hiding places and a pair of marron clowns in there for about six months then one day i came home and one of the marroons that was just over half the zebras size was sticking out of his mouth