Will emrald crabs eat green algae from the surface of a DSB?


I am considering getting some of these guys, thanks to some great advice.
I was curious to whether they would just eat algae from rocks or will they eat it from the sand bed too?
Are they real hardy and I have been told that they are not aggressive at all, is that right?
I have a green algae bloom on my sand bed floor and it is becoming hairy. It is dark green not bright(even though I do have some bright algae).
What do you all think?


It depends. I have 2 in my 20g and one eats the stuff sometimes. The other one eats off the LR.
hope this helps


Active Member
Most of the time my 2 emeralds stay on the rock work. Vary rarely have I seen them on the sand.
They do eat the hair algea every now and then but not as often as I would like them to.
Another solution may be the addition of a fish that will eat algae like a tang or bleeny.


Active Member
bumble bee snails will stir the sand and eat the detritus which feeds your algae and some algae(i am pretty usre they are omnivores, nowthat i think about them)