will he be okay??


my eel scraped my volitan lionfish's skin by trying to take a bite!There is a srape mark on the lion's skin!Will he be okay??


i have a volitan.And i have a striped puffer and blue damsel
But i saw the eel attack the volitan lionfish!!


Active Member
hey im guessing its a chainlink
i would somehow catch the lion (like with net) and put him into a quarantine tank fast he could have a bacterial infection i would watch him in the quarantine tank and put a cleaner shrimp in the quarantine tank. Also how deep is the cut
Please Respond HTH,


Active Member
If he's a small lion (young, cause voltains get big) then I agree with putting him in a QT where you can watch for and treat a bacterial infection...
However, I do not reccomend using a net on a lion, because they can get tangled and stress out, or you could get stung trying to remove him...
Use a tupperware type bowl big enough to hold him and "guide" him into the bowl with a net...much better for the fish..
Be careful even trying to scoop him out with tupperware or a bucket. I had mine jump out of the water trying to catch him that way.


Active Member
After I saw my lion sting my male Cali ray, I dont really have much compassion for him. But that really is too bad. The worst part is knowing that theres pretty much nothing you can do except wait.


If the lionfish was bitten by your eel, your eel is likely suffering from starvation, particularly if it's a Chainlink......these are crustacean feediong specialists that need lots of shrimp and squid.
If your lionfish stung your ray, it tells me that you have too many fish in a tank that WAY too crowded.
I have an adult P. volitans lionfish, a 13" stonefish, 3 eels, 2 tangs, a 24" bamboo shark and a foxface in my 300 and nothing EVER gets stung....in fact, they often pilke up together as best friends.
Actually, I have 4 large lions and a pair of breeding fuzzy Dwarfs and have NEVER had a lionfish or scorpionfish sting another fish since I set up my first marine tank in 1969.


Many to most of the scorpaenids show no territoriality at all and actually seem to enjoy congregating together, with the two most notable exceptions being the Dwarf lionfish and the FuManchu lionfish (which, in my opinion is considered in the wrong class and ought to be considered a scorpionfish, based upon behavior) where males claim harems and breeding territories.
That scrape by the eel, by the way, ought to heal just fine by itself.....lionfish have VERY thick slime coatings that they regularly shed and any antibiotic that's not ingested will likely be ineffective and useless.


Glad to hear it Lionfish28....you're just a skip down the road, so if you ever have the time pop up and I'll show you my tanks and where and how to catch local eels and scorpionfish.