will i be ok w/ my 70 gallon tall?


Active Member
Well, all i have in it at the moment is 10 lbs of live rock, live sand (3-4 inches) 10 snails, 20 blue hermit crabs, and a emrald crab...
i just ordered 50 lbs of live rock and two powerheads.
I have a penguin bio wheel 330 hangon (kind of like the emperor 400) and a protein skimmer.... i have a heater too.......
will that be enough filtration or should i add a cannister filter?
i'm waiting to add fish till i have all this stuff in there...... its been working fine till now, but ever since the fish death do to high temp increase, its time to start over, but w/ all the right stuff
thanx for any help


Active Member
of course...... its been up and running for 3 months or so, and half of the water was from a 3 yr old 30 g i had............


Active Member
you may want to upgrade to an Emporer 400 IMO, i have a 75, and along with the skimmer its just enough....i dont think youll get proper filtration, sounds like you are on the way though....canisters are great until you need to service them, from my experience with them they are hard to maintain....


Active Member
What brand of protein skimmer do you have and what are your plans for the tank (reef Fish only).


Active Member
i plan on fowlr.... i guess my main concern is the filtration..... i'll have about 70 lbs LR total in the tank... i guess i'll get the emperor 400 soon...
hows the water movement sound? i will have two power heads (maxi jet 900s)