Will I Be Overstocked?


Looks like my new tank, (and on the larger note), my new home will be done in about 6 months. The new tank will be 400 gallons. My question is this:
I plan on putting the following fish in my 75 Gallon Tank:
* A 2 Inch Clown - Not sure what kind, but he is a real sweetie. The only fish in there right now.
* A 2 Inch Yellow Tang - Will be transferred to the 400 Gallon when it hits 5-6 Inches
* A 1.5 Inch Emperor Angelfish - Will be transferred to the 400 Gallon when it hits 5-6 Inches
* A 10 Inch Snowflake Eel
* Hermit Crabs/Snails - May be food for the eel, but time will tell.
Given my plans for transfering my fish, will I be ok with this combination?

small triggers

Active Member
They should be fine for about a year or 2 , but the yellow tang and the angel will def. need that 400. Are you building the 400 in the new house and thats why you want them in your 75 for now?


Originally Posted by small triggers
They should be fine for about a year or 2 , but the yellow tang and the angel will def. need that 400. Are you building the 400 in the new house and thats why you want them in your 75 for now?
I really want to raise my fish from a very young age and transfer them into the larger tank in my home. I think it would add something to the experience. The new tank should be ready to go in 6 months, so I think I should be safe.


yes in your new house is there going to be a 400 bc you will need to upgrade soon with in a 1 to 2 just depends on how fast they grow


A few points...
Cost...I went into in detail on your other thread
Snowflake...Philosophical question..should Jeffrey Dahmer have been killed as a toddler? I shifted my Snowflake to a "Bad Boy" tank after a few short months. The bigger he gets the more havoc he creates. He's a little bigger than my thumb and if I didn't object to killing my critters he'd already be an eel sandwich! The tank he's now in has big time aiptasia 'cause he'd eat all the peppermints, etc. I might put in to control it.
Transferring fish from tank to tank...may work okay for many fish but if your big tank will house multiple Tangs your odds of success go up dramatically if they enter the tank more or less together and are raised together.