Will i be sorry?


New Member
After talking with the LFS they have me considering using the 36" Coralife Aqualight
Dual Linear Strip (196W total) instead of the 48" Coralife Aqualight Dual Linear Strip (260W total) on a 75 Gallon (48"). My question is, is this a good option since I won't have LR all the the way to the edges and more wattage will be centered? It seems like bulb changes would be cheaper also. I plan on having fish, soft corals, and LPS corals. Thanks for the help.


you will be sorry, for a 75 you should have went with the other lighting with 260 watts. the one you have isn't enough.


Active Member
Originally Posted by angelsrock
you will be sorry, for a 75 you should have went with the other lighting with 260 watts. the one you have isn't enough.


My theory on most things in this hobby...
"Better to have it and not need it .....than to need it and not have it"
my 2 cents


New Member
Glad I haven't bought them yet, thanks for the advice. One last question, let's say I found a 36" MH system (352W) from an unnamed source, would that still be better than the 48" PC setup listed above?


Active Member
Yes, the halides would be better because it is more watts of light, plus more intensity, but you have to make sure you have the means to keep your tank cool. Halides will really heat your tank, so if your tank is already in a hot room or if you know it gets hot in your house, go with the PCs.


Active Member
yeah your gonna be sorry. You can forget about the 36" set up. For LPS really the cheapest power compact solution you should be looking at for a tank that deep and wide is a 48" 4-96" watt bulb set up (offered by coralife-aqualight and current usa-orbit). IF you go with either of what your looking at you'll be either limited in what LPS you can get or where you can place them.
For what you need ( 4-96 watt set up) the cost of hanging a 250 or 400 watt pedant style MH like below would be cheaper. If you have a canopy you could rig a retrofit MH for not too much more than what the 260 watt set up cost


Are you still using the glass tops?
How were you going to put 36" lights on a 48" tank?
If you still have the glass tops get rid of them especially if you put MH over the tank, they will trap way too much heat.