will it be ok?


Active Member
I just took the tops off of my tank to clean them and a piece of dried salt fell into the anemones mouth. it seems to be ok at the moment with its tentacles opened up again, but will it be ok? i know that they are constantly ingesting saltwater when eating but I am worried about the quantity that it ate. also I am already in the process of nursing it back to health as you can see in the pics. if the salt does have some effect, how long should I wait to spot feed it again?


Active Member
I bought it this past friday as it was bleached then. it is now sitting under one of my 250w halides.


and what did you buy it as? kinda looks like a condi but cant be sure? and if it is a condi i think its going to be just fine. condi's are hardy (more so than most anemones) but thats not saying much


whupps i saw the other post but i didnt put two and two togather duh sorry bout that. i think its going to be fine unless it was like covered in salt.


Active Member
just a flake of it. I feed him a small piece of silverside again yesteraday and today he looks to be fine.