will it kill my sponge?????????


:notsure: I got an orange ball sponge for my tank this weekend. I was told to keep it in a high or srong water current in my tank. It is , my qustion is: Some sand is sticking to the sponge because of the current, Will it kill the orange ball?


Originally Posted by amadent
:notsure: I got an orange ball sponge for my tank this weekend. I was told to keep it in a high or srong water current in my tank. It is , my qustion is: Some sand is sticking to the sponge because of the current, Will it kill the orange ball?
No, it shouldn't. I have two red tree sponges in my tank and they collect debris also. Every couple of days I use a turkey baster, fill it with tank water and gently blow the water on the sponges. It blows the debris off and doesn't really cause any more to turn up around the sponges.
Just make sure they get high flow and are in a shady part of the tank. The biggest prob is algae forming on the sponge. That is no good.

Good luck with it, if you can post a picture, I've never seen a ball sponge.