Will it Survive


Ive read there are some freshwater fish that can be acclimated to saltwater, Im not sure which fish, or how.
I think the process takes quite awhile, maybe some of the others have also read this,and can help more.


May I ask............Why in the world would you wanna keep a fresh water fish in a salt water tank.....


Well from what I have seen, there are some fish that can be kept in a saltwater tank. I used to own cichlids, and I have never heard of them being acclimated to a saltwater tank. I think the reason is because they are still a freshwater fish and not a brackish water fish. Yes, they need a high PH, but I don't think they could handle the high Salt content.
The one freshwater fish that I know can be acclimated to sw is the molly. I have seen them in saltwater tanks as starter fish instead of damsels.
I hope this helped for you.


might as well give er a shot. get a smaller one for like 4 bucks and try it out. i would love to know if you could


Active Member

Originally posted by fishguy4
might as well give er a shot. get a smaller one for like 4 bucks and try it out. i would love to know if you could

Why would you just throw a fish into a tank that could kill it?
That's like saying, "Gee, I wonder if the inside of the car is going to get hot today. Let's throw a puppy in there to see if it survives"
If you want to know if a fish will survive, and THRIVE, do some reading, not experimenting!


Active Member

Originally posted by trigger_D
Will a freshwater cichlid survive in a saltwater tank?

Why in the world would you want to do that?


Active Member
The answer is no, it won't survive, don't bother trying. As said, there are freshwater fish than can be acclimated. Those would be brackish water fish, and many livebearers.