Will It Work?¿


New Member
Im going to South Padre Island this summer and i was woundering if it would hurt my tank if i broght back shells,rocks,hermit,crabs.or sand and put in mt tank. thanks for your help


Active Member
Its usually a bad idea to put something from the beach in your tnak. You run the risk of adding miroscopic bad guys which may be harmful to your inhabitants or who maybe the larval stage of a pest. Plus most hermits and crabs are not reef safe, If you don't know they are for sure don't add them to your tank.


I had used dead shells found on the beach after bleaching the heck out of them. I would agree that nothing live should be introduced.


Active Member
I personally wouldnt do either. It has been discussed several times here, youre taking a chance of putting some sort of polutant in your tank that it may not be able to handle. It is your tank to do with as you may.


Active Member
i agree wiht the not choices
another note, if you decide to, then also check the local laws first, they do vary greatly and in some areas it is illegal to take anything from the beach