Will lion sting other fish?


New Member
I have a 55 gal - 1 lion, 1 rectangular trigger, one blue wrasse & one yellow tang. Lion just slowly moves around the tank & the trigger & tang go around it all the time, will he sting them & kill them? I never see the wrasse~he's coming out a little more now to eat, but mostly stays buried under the sand.
I also have about 20 pounds of coral - not live. A pet store told me I should have 55 lbs for a 55 gal tank, is this true?
We had damsels with a different lion before and he ate them. Can you keep them in the same tank without the smaller fish becoming lunch?
Sorry, still kinda new to this - We've had our tank for about 2 years and have lost about 10-12 different fish including one other lion and a dwarf lion. I told hubby, if these new fish don't make it, we're switching to freshwater! So, I'm glad I found this site to answer my questions, but I'll try to search for answers before posting, so as not to repeat!


the rule of thumb is that the lion fish will eat anything that fits in it's mouth so if you have any small fish most likely they will become his meal the first chance he gets. I don't think it should mess with your other fish. The fish will die if they get stung multiple times. I think they end up dieing due to infections from the sting. (Correct me if I am wrong).
But for the most part I don't it will bother your fish. I think he will only attack if he feels threatened. :happyfish


Watch that Trigger because I heard that they were notorious for nipping at the long "streamers" that lionfish have. I have seen it at an lfs, red volitan completely chewed up by a undulated trigger that was only about 2 inches long. The trigger would never get stung though, the lion would be peacefully sitting on the substrate and the trigger was circling him and then would sneak up behind him, nip him and then run away.


Active Member
Like stated, the lion will not sting them if he does not feel threatened. However, since you took the risk of adding a trigger and lion together in that small of a tank, you have to be extra cautious and just keep an eye on the trigger. If the trigger nips at the lion even once, the trigger may have asked for his death. It all depends on which is the more dominant fish.


We have a lion and picasso trigger in a 55g and they do fine together. We also have a couple of damsels in there that I know the lion could eat but 3 months now and the damsels still live. I keep them all well fed. The damsels will be moved to a 10g nano eventually. They are actually the more aggressive fish. I think it depends on the individual personalities of the fish as well as how well fed they are.