Will Low PH Contribute to Algae Growth


I've had a bad bloom of the green hair algae. I know one of my problems is Phosphate in my tap water, but what other factors contribute to it. I did a PH test and it was low, around 7.9 Does low PH worsen algae growth. I'm in the process of fixing my phosphate and PH problem. Also, my salinity had dropped to 1.20.


Welcome CT, Tell us more about your setup. Age? Size? LR? LS? How are you solving the Phosphate and PH problem?


It's a 90 gallon reef with LR LS, nine fish, couple of star fish, about 1/2 dozen snails, couple of shrimp, green carpet anenome. I've had it set up for about 16 months now.
I think part of my problem was overfeeding. I'm using PH 8.3 Seacham marine buffer to fix the PH level and Kent Marine Phosphate Sponge to remove the phosphates. I'm going to do a little water changing too.


Active Member
Definitely yes. Low PH can promote microalgae growth. Check your alkalinity also. Low alkalinity will cause PH to drop.


Active Member
Hi Buddy,
Yes I am also currently doing the same now, going through a diatoms algae bloom and with barracuda's help I have put it to these causes:
1) Low pH - algae thrives on anything under 8.0
2)Lighting - lighting will affect it but it can be sorted
3)Phosphates - One of algae's main diets - Kents Phosphate sponge is excellent and will remove it to 0.05.
4)Silicates - also a main dietry source, Kents Phosphate sponge also removes silicates on second dosing, for more info go to www.kentmarine.com, its very handy.
5) clean up crew - for a 90g you havent got a very big clean up crew, see my sig. and that is what i have for a 75 and I could still do with more.
6) age of tank - new tanks = algae cycle
7)TAP WATER! I am currently changing to RO water bought from my LFS, with tap water you get PO4's and the works, if you buy RO water it is 100x better!
All the best and let us know how you can get on!


The best investment you can make is an RO/DI filter.You can pick up very good ones for about $125. Phosphate sponges solve the problem but they don't eliminate the cause.


Active Member
Hi Kipass!
Well the PO4 is 0.1 at the moment, diatoms still present so I am presuming silicates. Bought the Kents PO4 sponge which also removes Silicates so hopefully (fingers crossed) that will work!
Yes I am myself using RO water now so that now once PO4 and silicates are eliminated by the sponge, no more should get in! :D
All the best,


Thanks guys for all the help and comment. This has answered a lot of my questions. Caulerpa? Can you keep it in a tank without the refugium or will the snails and crabs get to it?


I'm still in same boat....I have added a new RO/DI, a new precision marine bullet 2 skimmer (rated for 250G on my 75G). I have done over 100G of water changes in last 2 months, since getting new RO/DI. I scrubbed the rocks, my MH and VHO bulbs are less than 6 months old. My test kits (Salifert) do not read any NO3 or NO4, just added a refugium 2 weeks ago caulerpa is growing great. BUT I still have hair algae in there........I guess patience needs to win out here
Any thoughts on this


Active Member
the diatoms will disappear once their food source is gone. As long as you don't add more for them:)
You don't need the sponge. I would however add a DI to your RO. Not that much more money...
Your correct with the silactes. That is waht they strive on.


Active Member
hi wamp,
I actually buy the RO water from LFS as systems are very expensive here in UK. I think it maybe DI as well....
Yes I believe the food source is my non-RO tank water and silicates so we will see soon enough!
All the best,