Will LR seed dry sand?

If I set up a tank using the play sand you can find at the hardware store for the substrate, and add live rock to the system, will the critters from the live rock migrate to the sand bed thus creating a live sand bed?
Also, I bought some live rock that was in my friends tank for about 14 months. The rock was in the bottom of the tank and didn't get much light. He only has 30 watts on a 55 gallon. You can see some creatures on the rock. My questions is will this rock still flourish if put under adequate lighting? Or was it in a dark tank too long and most of the living things in it perished because of lack of light?


First off, yes, if you add LR to a sandbed, the sandbed will eventually become live. To speed this up you could add a bag or two of live sand on top of the other sand.
That, isnt a lot of light, but it should be enough to keep some of the organisms alive on the rock, although they would not flourish. Once you put it in your tank with more light, you should get more corraline growth and the rock will look much more alive. Good Luck...