Will LS keep QT from cycling?


Hi everybody,
I'm setting up my 29 gal QT for my sick clown. Will adding two cups of LS from my main tank keep it from cycling? I'm hoping my QT wont cycle and can use right away.
Thanks in advance for your suggestions,


Probably not Lily. You can use some of the water from the display as this will help the fish to get acclimated. You will need to test your water regularly and do water changes to keep the water quality good. What kind of filter do you have the QT? You might try to take a piece of filter floss from the display tank and seed the filter in the QT tank as this will help but not prevent completely. Hope this helps.


hi thanks for the reply,
my QT is an eclipse tank w/ bio-wheel but i do not keep it running all the time. on my main tank (46 bow) i have 4 in DSB and 45 lbs. LR, remora pro protein skimmer, a magnum HOT, and i just put on my old penguin bio-wheel to get bacteria growing on that ASAP. how long will it take for enough bacteria to grow on the bio-wheel in the MT before i can transplant it to the QT? i could sacrifice a piece of LR in need be... im trying not to get a cycle if at all possible.


well I did put a pirce of LR and some LS in my QT and I did not see a cycle. I did have a spike in nitrates at one point but nothing a water change didn't help. You will still want to watch ammonia and test water freq. Use water from MT to set up QT.
Good Luck