Will Mandarin have enough pods to eat?


I have a 90 gallon tank its only been setup for a little over 3 months im going to wait a year to get a mandarin. I have 90 lbs. of live rock and for fish i have 3 green chromis, 2 tru perc clownfish, lawnmower blenny, yellow watchman goby, royal gramma, purple firefish, flame angel and a foxface. I have a little fuge going on in my sump. I setup the little fuge that way it can be going for like 9 months before i get the mandarin. With everything i just explained will the mandarin have enough pods to eat?


Active Member
I know its not a long time yet...I have had my mandarin for little over a month now..I can def tell it has got a little larger and a little more plump..I have a 75G with about 80lb of rock and 2 soapdish full of cheato to supplement pods into the tank as well.


Active Member
Originally Posted by TriGa22
Its needs alot of live rock and cheato. Supply it with those. Your good to go.
Even so , it would be to yours and your mandarins advantage if oyou could get him to eat supplemental foods, like mysis or Brine soaked in vita-chem. AND it took me a GOOD year to build my pod supply and I gave my fuge a head start by buying them online and dosing my fuge twice.


New Member
Yes, you will be able to get this fish. I had a 29 gallon biocube with only 15 lbs. of live rock for 3 months, then I bought a psychadelic mandarin(or more commonly known is the spotted manderin) and it survived for 6 months, but they do need a variety of foods, brine soaked in vitamins is the best choise.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BlennyBoy
Yes, you will be able to get this fish. I had a 29 gallon biocube with only 15 lbs. of live rock for 3 months, then I bought a psychadelic mandarin(or more commonly known is the spotted manderin) and it survived for 6 months, but they do need a variety of foods, brine is the best choise.
Surviving for 6 months should not be considered success. Also, brine shrimp has almost NO nutritional value.


New Member
For how small and how long I had my tank, I believe it was a sucess. I don't need someone telling me that I didn't do a good job, why don't you go back to watching your own tank. Plus, the only reason it died was because it got eaten by a brittle star. You said brine shrimp has almost no nutritional value, even though I didn't say anything about nutrition, I just said VERIETY.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BlennyBoy
For how small and how long I had my tank, I believe it was a sucess. I don't need someone telling me that I didn't do a good job, why don't you go back to watching your own tank. Plus, the only reason it died was because it got eaten by a brittle star. You said brine shrimp has almost no nutritional value, even though I didn't say anything about nutrition, I just said VERIETY.
Actually, you said brine was best, and this is where Dragon Zim corrected you.
Also, 6 months is not a success whatsoever. This fish lives for years.
BlennyBoy, you are walking on very thin ice. Wrong advice, rude/sarcastic posting, and the like is not tolerated here. I strongly suggest that you change your attitude quickly.


Active Member
Originally Posted by lion_crazz
Actually, you said brine was best, and this is where Dragon Zim corrected you.
Also, 6 months is not a success whatsoever. This fish lives for years.
BlennyBoy, you are walking on very thin ice. Wrong advice, rude/sarcastic posting, and the like is not tolerated here. I strongly suggest that you change your attitude quickly.

Well said Ryan.


Originally Posted by jfingers088
I have a 90 gallon tank its only been setup for a little over 3 months im going to wait a year to get a mandarin. I have 90 lbs. of live rock and for fish i have 3 green chromis, 2 tru perc clownfish, lawnmower blenny, yellow watchman goby, royal gramma, purple firefish, flame angel and a foxface. I have a little fuge going on in my sump. I setup the little fuge that way it can be going for like 9 months before i get the mandarin. With everything i just explained will the mandarin have enough pods to eat?
My mandarin loves frozen blood worms and two of my friends their's also eats the frozen blood worms as well. Maybe this may work also!


New Member
BlennyBoy, you are walking on very thin ice. Wrong advice, rude/sarcastic posting, and the like is not tolerated here. I strongly suggest that you change your attitude quickly.
BlennyBoy:I'm here to give advice. I think I should be the one telling you to straighten up.


New Member
i have always heard 50lbs and not 150lbs for a mandarin.
Blennyboy: Finally, someone that I can agree with.


Active Member
Originally Posted by BlennyBoy
i have always heard 50lbs and not 150lbs for a mandarin.

Blennyboy: Finally, someone that I can agree with.
Didnt you just post on your success with 15lbs in a 29? I understand you are trying to help here, but to call out members that have more years of experience than you have been alive for is kinda silly. (and no, I'm not talking about myself, I'm talking about lion_crazz)


Active Member
Originally Posted by BlennyBoy
it survived for 6 months, but they do need a variety of foods, brine soaked in vitamins is the best choise.
LOL thats usually how long it takes for them to starve to death. You did a CRAP job...