Will my anemone be o.k.?


I have recently been given a clarki clown and its anemone which is a bubble tip of some sort.
I'm using the lights that my friend had on her tank but I don't know how to tell what watts they are in order to know if I really have enough. They've been fine with her for years I think.
I have a 48" regular size double flourescent type light with one actinic and one coralife with F40 T12 - BP on it. Does anyone know what watt that is ? Do I have enough?
Oh, and the tank is a 90, I've had the anemone about a week and its stayed in the same spot about half way up from the bottom, and it looks o.k. to me.


Active Member
Sounds like you have normal output bulbs at 40 watts each. That's far from enough light for any hosting species of anemones. You should either give the anemone away to someone with sufficient lighting or upgrade your own. I'd say 2x250 watt double-ended metal halides with or without actinics would be great.


I was worried that the F40 meant 40 watt but I don't see how they lived with my friend so long...Are the double ended metal halides the regular size or the skinny ones?
If I do 2x250 then I have 500 watts? Is that right? That's not too much?


Active Member
The double endeds are the skinnier bulbs. Yes, that's 500 watts, but you can use more. If it's a 6 foot tank I'd recommend 3x250 watt bulbs. You can also use some VHO actinics if you'd like. With those metal halides you can also keep soft corals, LPS corals, SPS corals, and clams.


So, does that mean that there are no regular sized flourescent bulbs that would work?
Mine is 48". The description (in cataloges) for the coralife (which seems to go only to 40 watt anyway) says good for reef acquariums. Do they mean reef but not anemones, corals and such?
In the meantime til I get this figured out would it help to move the anemone up closer to the light?
Thanks for your help.