Will my Blue Tangs Fins Grow Back?


dm 0620

i bought a pretty big blue tang from the store. it is about 6" long but looked in bad shape.
its fins were minmal. it had bumps and spots.
he said the previous owner just neglected it and had very porr water.
i have since got rid of all the spots and any hazy or white material on him. he is as healthy as can be the only thing is the fin deterioration. when if ever will the fins and tails regenerate?


Active Member
Fins usually grow back if they're not all the way past the fin and into the flesh. Fins essential to locomotion, pectoral and caudal (tailfin) usually heal up somewhat quickly. If the damage to the dorsal or pelvic fins is severe, it may not heal back up. A lot of 'abused' tangs have only a few spines left on the very front of the dorsal, and usually don't heal back after time in better environments.