Will My Fish Be Ok ????


ok my substrate is cc in my 65 gal tank ..making a change bought some live sand and some carib sea aragonite ...tank cycled a couple of weeks ago i have a porcupine puffer/scooter blenny/blue leg hermit/blue chromi/domino damsel/ and another damsel in my tank ....my plan was to pull a syphon into a 5 gal bucket put my live rock and other rock in there...then do the same into another 5 gal and get a heater and some air in there and put fish in...make quick change of subsrate save a little to put on top of sand...then lay down aragonite... then layer of live sand... then put some of the established cc, like a handfull of it or so ...then add water, rock, and fish back in .....need expert advice please help!!!

aztec reef

Active Member
don't add the cc. and take it slow..be ready with water to do water changes , keep checking your parameters and you should be ok..


Active Member
Originally Posted by kinder7668
ok my substrate is cc in my 65 gal tank ..making a change bought some live sand and some carib sea aragonite ...tank cycled a couple of weeks ago i have a porcupine puffer/scooter blenny/blue leg hermit/blue chromi/domino damsel/ and another damsel in my tank ....my plan was to pull a syphon into a 5 gal bucket put my live rock and other rock in there...then do the same into another 5 gal and get a heater and some air in there and put fish in...make quick change of subsrate save a little to put on top of sand...then lay down aragonite... then layer of live sand... then put some of the established cc, like a handfull of it or so ...then add water, rock, and fish back in .....need expert advice please help!!!
Hi! welcome aboard

First I'd have to say that that is a LOT of fish for a 65 gal.
The layering sounds fine....the only thing about crushed coral is that most stars and bottom dwelers don't like it much cause it's hard to sift through. THe positive side of CC is that it is a great source of calcium for your tank...however...the calcium from the cc with eventually be depleated.
The main thing to keep on top of is the water quality. Keep a close eye on the Nitrites and amonia and such...check levels daily.
Can you post the current water levels in you tank please?