Will my fish host this?


New Member
I have 2 percula clownfish. I am considering a carpet anenome but I am not sure how likely the clownfish are to host it. In addition, I read a thread saying someone's anenome ate fish, will the carpet do this? Please help.

mr. limpid

Active Member
carpets have a strong sting could possible. You are better off with bubble tip percula like them better.

florida joe

Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by laink45 http:///t/394659/will-my-fish-host-this#post_3512733
I have 2 percula clownfish. I am considering a carpet anenome but I am not sure how likely the clownfish are to host it. In addition, I read a thread saying someone's anenome ate fish, will the carpet do this? Please help.
Clown fish will host ich but I do not think you will ever get a clown to host any anemone


Active Member
You can tell a lot about their behavior with other objects in your tank. My clown has taken to hammer coral, plate coral, and frog spawn. When I had an issue with hair algae my clown would stick to and defend it like crazy. If you see this behavior your clown will do well with an anemone.


Active Member
Here is my five year old clown and his new home. This is the third BTA anemone he has been hosted with.
I usually trade them after a year or so with others when they get big or start splitting. So far I have had at least five splits in the past five years. Not evenly spaced but you get my drift.
Ideally get something suited to the size of th clown. A big clown will destroy an anemone if too small.