Will my Hammer Coral make it?


HI All,
I just got a five head Branching Hammer the other day, and one of the heads came down with Brown Jelly disease. (I assume from shipping stress) The other four heads seem to be doing well, and slowly acclimating and opening up.
However, I dealt with the Brown Jelly this morning by cutting off the infected head, and doing a pretty quick RO Fresh Water dip on the remaining heads. After placing it back in my tank, the remaining heads seem to be TRYING to open up, but most of them have a white slimmy junk coming off of them. It's in a medium flow area so the heads aren't being blasted at the moment.
Is this normal after a FW dip? I thought it was like a stress reaction slime, but I just wanted to make sure there was nothing else I could do to help my poor Hammer survive.
Any insight would be greatly appreciated.
Thank You


Can you put the Hammer in a QT, I have had Brown Jelly which is a bacterial infection spread to my other LPS in the past, a very long time ago. I think you did the right thing by cutting the infected head off, although I would not have done a fresh water dip, but rather used one of the many coral rinses out there, even iodine diluted I think would have been better. The slime is probably a product of stress. If you can not move it than, move away from any other LPS especially if you have a frog spawn or elegance as they are in the same family. Good luck