Will my lights melt the plastic reinforcement bands?


Active Member
I've got 2 36" Coralife 2x96(Acitinic and 10k) lights sitting on top of my 6" wide tank. Each fixture is sitting with 1 side on the edge and the other just over 1 of the plastic bands that reinforce the tank. So each fixture is over a different band. Here's a pic of my tank as so you see what I mean. You can see the 2 reinforcement bands that have some test tubes and a hydrometer sitting on.

Question is, will these lights melt the plastic reinforcement band?


Active Member
I would say no I have MH over my tank and it doesn't bother the supports on my tank and I have never heard of anyone having any issues with this.


Active Member
Sorry to be difficult but YES. they can and WILL melt through the supports if they are close enough to the light bulbs.


Originally Posted by prime311
Well that sucks. How exactly are you supposed to get lights for a 72" wide tank then?
you do what I just did last night build a canopy. let me know if you want instruction probably better ways to do it but I threw it together in a few hours with some friends it worked perfectly and will give your tank a nice look when you done. Cost me about 130 with tax and I got a little more then I needed just incase we messed up which we didn't so now I have extra wood laying around.


Active Member
I actually have a canopy, but I don't like using it and mounting the lights inside it would:
A) Block the fans on top of the lighting
B) Make the light switches difficult to access
C) Require a redesign of the edges that sit on top of the sides of the tank to accomodate 72+" of lighting
I guess what I don't get is that Coralife makes a 4x96 72" light with the exact same design as my 2 36" that is supposed to sit on top of the tank(no mounting legs) and why would they design a 700$ fixture that doesnt even work as sold?