will my lionfish ever give up the hunt?


New Member
Will the lionfish ever stop trying to eat my clown fish, banded gobie, and fox face rabbit fish that has been under the same rock since I put the lionfish in. Considering adding a large tang…suggestions.


Active Member
Adding a tang will likely only add to your problems.
How old, and how large is your tank? How long have you had these fish? Adding a tang, if the tank is too small or too young will most certainly cause trouble- a tang is never a solution to a problem.
Frankly, I see nothing wrong here...you've added a lionfish in with at least 2 fish that it would normally see as food. What is it doing wrong? Eventually, it will probably eat the clown and the goby. Is this lion being fed live food?



Originally posted by ophiura
....Frankly, I see nothing wrong here...you've added a lionfish in with at least 2 fish that it would normally see as food. What is it doing wrong? Eventually, it will probably eat the clown and the goby. Is this lion being fed live food?

Agree. It will stop once it gets them, shouldn't take to long.


So what your saying is =will my lionfish stop do what nature has asked it to do for the last millions years? Ah----No.
Lionfish will eat whatever it can fit into its mouth, plain and simple. Small fish, medium sized fish, shrimp, crabs, all food. Big lionfish will also eat smaller lionfish so venom is NOT a deterant.
W/ that said get larger fish, any fish slightly larger than 1/2-2/3 the body size of the lion is often (but not always) safe). I find tangs, groupers, large wrasses (like harlequins), work well.
Lastly, remeber that many species of lionfish get big, so if you have small volitans now it will be a big volitans in 6-8month and then all your fish will be food, if its a dwarf lion species then you might have a slight chance (bar goby nope, small clown-nope)
Just remember small fish=food