Will my LTA ever split???


Quick queston for anyone interested in helping. Will my LTA ever split? Does every anemone split or it will if it wants to. cuz mine just keeps getting bigger! it's about the same size as a basketball in diameter when fully open. I dont feed it anything extra other than light and excess fish food that floats into it. Should i be giving it anything. It's healthy and colorful.
Just curious


Active Member
Womens basketball or mens? lol j/k...So im thinking around 20-25 inches? If it was going to happen I woudl guess that it would have happened already.


Active Member
LTAs normally do not reproduce by by splitting. Some may if under stress but sounds like yours is happy and healthy.
I have a huge LTA and BTAs and over 5 years the BTA has splitt 3 different times and the LTA, never.


well i glad to know... see u do learn something everyday!!! LOL is it bad i haven't done a water change in a real long time??? Well i guess not if my LTA is still doing so well. I think i might do one tomorrow. DO i need to feed my LTA anything other than light if iits doin so well?


Originally Posted by nolesfan06
well i glad to know... see u do learn something everyday!!! LOL is it bad i haven't done a water change in a real long time??? Well i guess not if my LTA is still doing so well. I think i might do one tomorrow. DO i need to feed my LTA anything other than light if iits doin so well?

can u take a pix of it