Will SPS and Clams thrive under a 12000k 250watt MH?


New Member
I am using two 250 watt 12000k bulbs on a 75 gallon tank. I have 5 species of acropora, 2 montipora, stariatapora (cats paw), merulina, and pocilopora. (Please excuse the spelling in the species names). I only have one clam, a T. Maximma. All seem to be doing well. I like the 12000k,s because they are blue enough not to require supplemental actinics. The intensity of the bulbs keep the corals growing and promotes pigmentation. The tank has been running with these bulbs for about a year and a half. I just replaced them as halides should be every 18 months or less.
As a side note, extra care should be taken to keep them well ventilated as a certain brand of 12000k's are or were prone to bursting due to being overheated in their hood.


IMO 12k sunburst suck= 37.53 par on 250w. I would use ushio or the best aqualine buscke= 110.9 par 10k bulbs. Both are good ab has more par. If you like the blue get 20k osram they are good bulbs but are low in par= 42.01 Only buy bulbs from Germany, usa or japan imo. The resr suck. The 20k bulbs imo I wouldn't use unless I had 400w but they would be better than 12k