Will starfish crawl out of my tank??

I picked up a chocolate chip starfish tonight, and he seems to be making his to the top of my tank pretty quick. Just wondering if he might crawl out considering that I removed the splash cover. TIA!


Active Member
No it won't. Mine likes to spend a lot of time at the water levels edge and will bend its body back facing the light so 3 legs are on glass 3 just at top of water level. They are great starfish for a FO tank and by the way mine loves a piece of Krill or squid when he is up top.
Cool, that is what he is doing as we speak. Would it be a bad idea to turn the lights back on after he has been in there such a short time?


if he has been in there for more than like 2-3 hrs he would be fine. personally i just drop mine in after getting them used to the water for like 30 mins (i use the drip meathod) unless you buy them from online, then they are used to the dark from shipping


You definitely don't have to worry about that....CC's seem to like shallow waters though, so thats normal.
Thanks for clearing that up guys, I didn't think he would, az a matter of fact he just stays pretty much at the top, 2 legs bent backwards. What should be his staple diet? My LFS recommended a product called invert smorgasboard, a liquid food.


How do you give the starfish krill? Do you drop it in the water or do you have to give it directly to the starfish? Just curious.


Active Member
When mine is at the top during dinnertime I take a smaller piece of krill and place it near its center area (it makes it easy since it has 2 or 3 legs bent back at the waters edge) it then flattens itself against the glass and out comes its stomach for dinner. I also give it squid and formula 1 & 2 pieces of cubes. It eats all of that plus what it finds around the bottom of the tank.