will submerged powerheads cause suface waves or tubulence?

rabid seacow

New Member
I wonts lots of surface disturbance to get shimmer from my MH's. Do the powerheads have to face towards the surface or does current from under the surface find it's way to the top to in the forms of waves and turbulence?
How much GPH should I have in a 30 gal to acheive this effect?
In order for the powerheads to ripple the surface they need to be at the top and pointed toward the surface, unless you get like a 300+ gph in a 10 gal, lol. rule of thumb for gph is 5 times the tank volume so in a 30 you would shoot for 150.


Active Member
The cheapest way to get glimmer lines is too use a power filter(filter pads removed) with a wide outlet ramp. I use a skilter 250 in my 29gal reef for such a task and I have lovely glimmer lines.
Good idea Burn.
I have a question for ya. Could you use that (empty) powerfilter as a refugium? Like I have a 3000 Millineum sittin' around. If I put a little sand in the bottom would/could it be a small refugium?
Don't think I'm too crazy, just wondering.... :rolleyes: