will tang still eat with ick?


im not sure if he has ick or not, but he is swimming good, and eating good. he had white spots on his fins when i first got him, and they went away after about a week of scratching. now he has them again, and i see a little something on his face. any ideas?


from what I have seen posted, ick has various life stages; 1 includes "shedding" from infected fish only to release it's eggs into the substrate then to hatch & become free floating to a point where infects the fish again; ideally you would remove all fish from the display tank & place in an EXISTING Q tank & leave display tank fish free for at least few weeks while treating fish in the Q tank...but if no Q is available you could try feeding the fish in display tank garlic or garlic extract you can get from GNC; & if your display tank does not have inverts in it, you could also treat w/ the hyposalinity method; combination w/ be most effective...just do a search here for HYPOSALINITY


im not sure the yellow tang has ich. its not really white spots on his face, and there is only a few, of these spots. he looks fine except he keeps going by the cleaner shrimp. like i said, he had it on his fins before, and the guy at the pet store said to leave him alone as long as he is eating. he will fight it off himself