Will There Be A Problem


I was just wondering if it would be a problem if I got a Harlequin Tuskfish for my tank. It's a 120g 5foot long tank. I have a 15" SFE a 3.5" Piccaso Trigger and a 3" Porc Puffer. The harlequin Tusk is approximately 4.5 inches long. Would there be a problem with them. I've read that they are hard to keep. They're selling here(swf.com) @ 120dollars and at the lfs they sell them for 40.


Active Member
I dont see a problem, but just be wary of smaller specimens. Many are caught using cyanide. You'll have them for a month or less and it'll just up and die, for no reason.
But from a reputable place. If you're LFS is selling them for $40, I wouldnt trust it.


They've had him for over a month now. Since the other time I went was July 10ish. It looks good and it eats good also.