Will These Fish Be Ok???


I have a 55 gallon tank that I am going to be putting about 45 pounds of live rock in it to start it of and then add some more. I would like to know if these fish will be okay in there?
-1 Snowflake Eel
-1 CC Starfish
-1 Yellow Tang{small}
-1 Yellow Eyed Kole Tang{small}
-1 Ocellaris Clownfish
-1 Sailfin Bleeny{large}
Please Reply To My Question!!!
Thank You


the tangs need to go...yes they are small now but they will soon out grow...some people like cc stars but they can be a pain...not reef safe and eat anything they can touch...jmo


Originally Posted by cds0722
I have a 55 gallon tank that I am going to be putting about 45 pounds of live rock in it to start it of and then add some more. I would like to know if these fish will be okay in there?
-1 Snowflake Eel
-1 CC Starfish
-1 Yellow Tang{small}
-1 Yellow Eyed Kole Tang{small}
-1 Ocellaris Clownfish
-1 Sailfin Bleeny{large}
Please Reply To My Question!!!
Thank You

I set up a 55Gal for my cousin a year ago next month, and we put this in there and it is doing great.
1 - Blue Damsel (used to cycle the tank, and then took back to the LFS b/c he was a pain)
1 - White Sleeper Goby
1 - Lawnmower(sailfin) Bleeny (Large)
1 - Yellow Tang (he was about 2 inches whan we put him in and is probably 3 inches now)
2 - Ocellaris Clowns
1 - Coral Beauty Angel
2 - Cleaner Shrimp (Small to medium in size)
50lbs - Fiji Live Rock
So in my experiances...you should be fine with the Yellow Tang...now with the Kole Tang i couldnt tell you.
Sounds like you have a good idea going though !!!!


Active Member
Originally Posted by cds0722
I have a 55 gallon tank that I am going to be putting about 45 pounds of live rock in it to start it of and then add some more. I would like to know if these fish will be okay in there?
-1 Snowflake Eel
-1 CC Starfish
-1 Yellow Tang{small}
-1 Yellow Eyed Kole Tang{small}
-1 Ocellaris Clownfish
-1 Sailfin Bleeny{large}
Please Reply To My Question!!!
Thank You
-1 Snowflake Eel
-1 CC Starfish
1 Yellow Tang{small}
-1 Yellow Eyed Kole Tang{small}
-1 Ocellaris Clownfish
-1 Sailfin Bleeny{large}
Red needs to go... yello tangs need at least 6 feet of swimming room... no exceptions! I have heard the same about the CC Star... what kind of tank are you setting up?? if its a reef, then ccstar is gone as well. Good luck!!!


-1 Snowflake Eel
-1 CC Starfish
-1 Yellow Tang{small}
-1 Yellow Eyed Kole Tang{small}
-1 Ocellaris Clownfish
-1 Sailfin Bleeny{large}
I have to agree with PFitz. Unless you know for certain that you will be able to move up to a larger tank the tangs will eventually go downhill as they outgrow a 55.
CC starfish are not as easy to take care of as their availability would have you believe and no, they aren't reef safe so putting one in would mean you couldn't later upgrade to add polyps or things like that. Starfish in general are very delicate and need a mature, large tank. I think the recommended minimum size for most of the stars is 100 gallons, they won't tolerate acclimation shock, poor water conditions, or many fluctuations at all, and most times their diets aren't really understood all that well so they end up hurting from malnutrition or dying of starvation.
I set up a 55Gal for my cousin a year ago next month, and we put this in there and it is doing great.
1 - Blue Damsel (used to cycle the tank, and then took back to the LFS b/c he was a pain)
1 - White Sleeper Goby
1 - Lawnmower(sailfin) Bleeny (Large)
1 - Yellow Tang (he was about 2 inches whan we put him in and is probably 3 inches now)
2 - Ocellaris Clowns
1 - Coral Beauty Angel
2 - Cleaner Shrimp (Small to medium in size)
50lbs - Fiji Live Rock
Damsels often get aggressive and territorial, that's just damsels. Many also consider it cruel to cycle with them and the whole thing could've been avoided by cycling with a plain old dead raw shrimp instead.
That tang is doing well right now because he's small but you can expect (heck, even HOPE) that he will grow! So eventually he will not be ok in a 55 gallon. At best he will just be in less than satisfactory conditions and live on stressed to some degree (although I sure don't consider that any kind of "best case scenario"!) and he may even become so stressed that he becomes ill and dies down the road.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blue300ZX
I set up a 55Gal for my cousin a year ago next month, and we put this in there and it is doing great.
1 - Blue Damsel (used to cycle the tank, and then took back to the LFS b/c he was a pain)
1 - White Sleeper Goby
1 - Lawnmower(sailfin) Bleeny (Large)
1 - Yellow Tang (he was about 2 inches whan we put him in and is probably 3 inches now)
2 - Ocellaris Clowns
1 - Coral Beauty Angel
2 - Cleaner Shrimp (Small to medium in size)
50lbs - Fiji Live Rock
So in my experiances...you should be fine with the Yellow Tang...now with the Kole Tang i couldnt tell you.
Sounds like you have a good idea going though !!!!

The tank you set up for your cousin is grossly overstocked. And no...a Yellow Tang will not be ok in a 55gal. tank. YTs will grow to aprox. 10" and the depth of a 55gal. tank is 13". Just doesnt seem fair to me to put a large, open water, always swimming fish into a tank that small, where it barely has enough room to turn around.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Blue300ZX
I set up a 55Gal for my cousin a year ago next month, and we put this in there and it is doing great.
So in my experiances...you should be fine with the Yellow Tang...now with the Kole Tang i couldnt tell you.
That's not really fair to say "experiences" based on setting up 1 aquarium. Most, if not all, Marine Experts agree that Tangs need 6 feet of swimiming room.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 1journeyman
??? Really? Never seen one that shallow...
Every 55gal. tank that I've owned/seen has been 48x13x18.
Am I missing out on something? lol