Will these work together?


Hello, I am new to salt water...
I wanted some advice on my stock wish list...
I have a 180 gallon tank, so about 150 gallons of water... 180 lbs of sand 180 lbs of live rock.
I currently have 8 Damsels in the tank while cycling...
once done with the cycle I want to work my way upto...
1 Annularis Angel (blue ring) (probably be the last fish I get and will start with a juv to watch change)
1 Butterfly
1 Clown Fish
1 Yellow Tang
1 Puffer (probably dog face or starts and stripes)
3 yellow tail Damsel and 1 blue Damsel(i plan to pull the other 4 Damels out)
also considering 1 wrasse (if possible and suggestions on what kind)
I want to have active fish something I can enjoy
Thoughts please?
I may also have some anemones and small coral (all thought I have heard the puffer may pick on this)
I have pleanty of lighting according to my local fish store to do a full reef if I chose too...
I have a sump system with an calcium reactor also


Active Member
I like your list, especially the Annularis (good choice to add last), and sounds like a great set-up. Personally I would yank all the Damsels, "Puffy" may eat them when he gets big enough anyway. Any coral would be iffy with the Puffer and the Angel, and a lot of people would say "beginners" might want to avoid anemones for a bit. I like Lunare Wrasse, very active and entertaining fish (plus a good price). Keep up your water changes, most of the fish on your list will let you know if your water is a little off.
Good Luck.


Active Member
the angel, the butterfly (what species?) and the puffer will not work with a reef tank in most cases.


as far as the Angel... I am leaning towards the Annularis Angel (blue ring)
butterfly probably the Copperband or Racconn.
I do like the wrasse that was mentioned above also!
I am not 100% sure I really want a reef, I have had several fresh water tanks, and really enjoy the fish part of aquariums... so fish only with the rock and sand it what I have mainly been leaning towards, just a lot of people have told me Reefs are the way to go...
If ANYONE has any other suggestions that would be great! Those were just fish I saw picutres of online and really liked....
I still have two weeks or so left to cycle with the Damsels, and plan to pull them and start with a yellow tang, dog face puffer and false perc clown but still very open to suggestions


Active Member
the annularis is going to out grow a 180. they can be massive.
raccoons have a ton of personality but are definitely not reef safe, CBBFs are about 90% reef safe, but say good bye to worms like feather dusters and coco worms.
angels and BFs are sensitive fish and should not be introduced until the tank is 6 months mature. there are a lot of puffer species and they tend to get very large as well. and almost all are not reef safe, but some have kept valentinis or hawaiians in a reef without ornamental shrimp.


ok, thanks for the info...
if I go witha FWLO what suggestions do you have for active fish with lots of color? I am use to african chilids... that is what I have always had with my fresh water stuff...
What would you stock that size tank with?
Thanks again for all your help and suggestions!


Active Member
i would consider a pair of golden butterflys, 1 or 2 really sweet larger species of not reef-safe wrasses like the lunare or twin spot or red coris etc...
perhaps a banana eel. 2-3 tangs. and maybe an a large angel, but know that the angel will outgrow the tank as will the tangs eventually. you can drop in a clown and i dont know about the puffers sorry...
consider a fuge to keep the trates down.


If I were to have a FOWLR, I'd buy a Harlequin Tusk... They are really bright and have a nice personality... I don't really care for Lunar wrasses too much only because there are brighter nicer wrasses out ther with just as much personality...


Ok so after some more research and some advice on here...
how does this sound and what order should I put them in?
1 Annularis Angel (get while he is a JUNV) add last
1 Butterfly (raccon or copperband) add next to last
1 Percula Clown (add with first round)
1 Puffer Dog face (add in first round)
1 Tang (Yellow) add first round)
1 Wrasse (Lunare or Harlequin Tusk) when would you add?
Will they all get along and is that to much or to little for a 180?
I have 180 live rock and 180 sand... so only about 150 in water...
I have also decided once my cycle is done (getting close
) I am going to pull out all 8 Damsels (if I can catch them, it sounds like that may be a pain)
A little more background....
My tank has been running for about 6 weeks....
2 weeks with just live rock, sand and water
2 weeks with clean up crew only (once I started getting alge brown
which has now cleared itself up)
and about 2 weeks with damsels (I am guessing 2 more weeks with them)
Thanks again glad I found this site.... everyone seems very helpful!


Active Member
If you don't mind the exta $$$, get the Harlequin Tusk, it is a much more "mild mannered" fish than the Lunare, my Lunare was fine but he had more aggressive fish that kept him in line. I disagree with the person who said your Annularis will outgrow a 180, IMO he will be fine for life in there, there are bigger angels out there. What are the demensions on your tank BTW...72x24x24?
Not much of a clownfish expert, but how big do Perculas get? Anyone think you may be better off with a bigger, bolder clown, like a Maroon? Just worried as the Puffer gets bigger, and hungry.
Oh, and to answer your question, if the Harlequin, add him early, if the Lunare, add late as he could be more aggressive if added too early...IMO.


yes the tank size is 72x24x24....
as far as adding the fish would you add the clown, tang, puffer and wrasse all at once? or weekley?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Tpohl24
yes the tank size is 72x24x24....
as far as adding the fish would you add the clown, tang, puffer and wrasse all at once? or weekley?
You don't by chance have a QT tank yet do you?


I do not... the only other tank I have is a 55 gallon fresh water with african chilids...
have had it for 3 or 4 years... and when I recently moved and had the extra space I decided to try a salt water tank
plus it looks awesome and fits well in the place I have it


Active Member
Thats cool, may want to consider a small QT tank down the road, could save some "heartache".
If I were doing it, I would start with the Harlequin Tusk and Maroon CLown in together (sorry I booted the Percula, just think he is too small). Wait 2-3 weeks at least, bring the Yellow Tang in, wait 2-3 more, and then bring in "Puffy".
I might have you consider doing away with the Butterfly as well, they are a bit high maint., particularly as a beginner...Just my opinion, you might consider another hardy tang like a Sailfin or a "mild mannered" Trigger, say a Blue Throat or Niger....Just a thought, you have a lot of time between now and then.
Then your Angel as the last addition a few months later.