will they eat...?


i was wondering if the fish listed below would eat/nip at mushrooms, big feather dusters, big hermits (lil smaller than tennis ball size), and a orange linkia?
antennada lion, green wolf eel, foxface, gold stripe maroon clown, and lunre or pinkface wrasse
any coments are fine :notsure:


lion_crazz, even mushrooms and the linkia???
i was mostly worried about the wrasses...the reserch i have done says "with caution" for bein "reef" compatable even though my tank isnt gonna be a reef i would still like to have some mushrooms....i was mainly worried about the dusters....


Active Member
The wrasses will eat both of them. The foxface might be okay. He's the one you should take caution with.


lion_crazz, thanks alot i think im gonna get rid of the duster....and keep the 4 shrooms i have and get the wrasse and if the wrasse nips at the mushrooms then ill take the shrooms out and put them in our reef tank im gonna get the pinkface wrasse for sure and that says "yes but will eat ornimantal shrimp" for bein compatable but im gonna keep a close eye anyways thanks :joy:


Active Member
No problem. Good luck with everything. Who knows, maybe you will get lucky and he will not eat the shrooms. Starnger things have happened. :)