will they get killed??


i herd that green morays will eat a volitan lion,will the eel get killed?Because there are those poison spines on the lion!


first of all, green eel would not attempt to eat volitan lion since it knows the lion has venomous spines.....but things happen unexpectedly.......some of eels are dumber than the others......but they're definitely capable of latching on volitan...but i don't how things will turn out when this happens.......i'm sure it'll try to regurgitate the lion once stung by their venomous spines. my understanding is that their venomous spines act as a mere deterrent, not a lethal weapon against potential predators.....it's just a painful experience for predators.....ouch!


pufferman, I respectfully disagree with you. PLease see this post.
My green moray ate my volitans lionfish. It ate it and digested it. The eel lived many more happy days...untill it ate my tusk and small panther grouper, then I set it free in the intercoastal waterway in Ft.Lauderdale, FL.
Green morays need to be in a tank by themselves or left in the ocean....


I agree, a green can eat a lion. I had a horn shark eat my lion even after 6 months of peace. I was cleaning the tank and all of the sudden out of the corner of my eye saw frantic movment, when I looked I saw the shark ripp off the long fins on the side first then attack the lion. mind you the shark was only about 3 or 4 inches larger than the lion.
On another note I had a lion kill a bamboo shark I had. I came home from work to find a dead shark. After further inspection I found 6 small holes in his belly frm the dorsal fins of the lion. Whether he did this out of aggresion or pure reflex is uknown.

All I can say is I have had many eels and right now have a large green moray and you would be amazed at what these preditors can eat.