Will they go in???


Hey everyone,I have three tank raised "percula" clowns..not true percula. I want to get an anenonme, but i am not sure if a tank raised percula would even go in it? Any suggestions? P.S. my tank is a 58 gallon stocked with coral so i am wondering if the anenome will sting my corals and move a lot? Any advice would be greatly appreciated. Dave
If memory serves correct, I don't think tank-raised percs will take an anemone as a host. I could be wrong though but I think I read that somewhere. Even a non tank-raised perc might not take a host. It's usually a 50/50 shot. Good luck!
I agree with saltwater kid, you will not get a tank raised in an anemone. Some clownfish only take a certain type of anemone, and would reject others.


Active Member
As long as you get the right anemone theres a good chance the clowns(2) will take it, and drive the third clown off and possibly kill it, that is if they are all in your 58. Clown should be kept in pairs or schools. Im not up on my clown/host anemones so youll have to research the correct anemone, but then again i have seen false percs take both bulbs and long tentacles, which are the two hardiest host anemones. I believe the carpet or the magnifica is the false percs true host, or maybe thats true percs, beats me, get Joyce W.s book. All anemones are mobile and will move around the tank in search of the perfect spot, sometimes you get lucky and it stays where you put it. Some also tend to have two spots, a shady spot and a well illuminated spot. If on one of these voyages your anemone walks over or brushes into one of your corals it can sting it and cause problems. If you are to get an anemone I would suggest a captive bred one, drop me an e-mail and I can tell you where to get one. HTH

wren tidwell

New Member
I also have a false percula. I bought a ritteri anemone and my clownfish took to it within minutes. He loves it and hasn't moved from it since. It is so cool to watch him in his new little home. Well, not so little, ritteri's are quite large. Mine can extend to 10" or so across. So be sure you have a bare spot somewhere high up in your tank that is not close to any corals if you get one. Also, make sure you have intense lighting (at least 4 watts/gallon), an established tank, and great water quality.
I have lots more info on anemones - which clownfish go with which anemone, what anemones eat, etc. If you want it, just send me an email (wren@lakehouse.com)


To say that a tank raised percula will not take to an anemone is just not true. A majority of the tank raised clowns will accept anemones and it is all about instinct. However, it is an issue of whether or not the anemone appeals to the clown. Even if you have a beautiful healthy anemone that is concidered to be a host to the clown it may never happen. Best way to make sure your combo works is to get the exact clown using the anemone at the store. Only way to be 100% sure that it has the potential to use it.