will this be too many fish?


New Member
I have a 100 gallon tank with 2 aquaclear 110's at the moment. So far, we have 5 blue-green chromis, 1 cleaner shrimp, 1 bta, 5 turbos and 5 astrea snails. Water quality is spot-on except for nitrates (which will be remedied when the wood that's in the tank is replaced with more lr instead). After this happens, I am hoping to get:
sixline wrasse
royal gramma
rusty angelfish
pair of gold-stripe maroons
The next fish, sixline & gramma, won't be added for at least a month, the angel and clowns not until after june - going on vacation - so the fish will be added slowly with at least a month's time in between adding the angel and the clowns so that our tank can adjust to the newcomers. Do you think this will be too much for the current filter system? Should I start researching now on how to get a skimmer hooked up to our tank? There is nothing predrilled. We use the bottom of the oak cabinet for supplies, buckets, salt, etc. The tank is also tucked into a nook that has just over a foot of space on each side so I would prefer to skip the skimmer. And yeah, no refugium and when it comes to using tools, building things, hooking up tubes myself, etc. - I suck so I have never ever considered this as a remote possibility unless I got a tank that already had a refuge set to go. Ok...hope this isn't TMI or too long. Thanks!!!


Active Member
It's a very nice fish list. Not overdone and there shouldn't be compatability issues. Can you get a hang on skimmer? A Remora Pro would fit if you have a tad over 4 inches of clearance between the back of the tank and the wall. If not, a skimmer is not a necessity. Just feed sparingly and keep up with water changes.


Active Member
Originally Posted by nicetry
It's a very nice fish list. Not overdone and there shouldn't be compatability issues. Can you get a hang on skimmer? A Remora Pro would fit if you have a tad over 4 inches of clearance between the back of the tank and the wall. If not, a skimmer is not a necessity. Just feed sparingly and keep up with water changes.
agreed, the fish will be fine and get a skimmer


That is a pretty good fish list for a 100 gallon.
I got a 90 gallon with a 25 gallon sump and two CPR bakpak skimmers. Reason for the two skimmers? I have a started SPS corals and got about 6 colonies, a lot of softies and 17 fish. I can't help myself with the fish. I am done with fish right now and will be giving my regal tangs away to a hospital or zoo. But main thing is to keep your eye on your water parameters and do water changes when needed. I do a 10% weekly (which is due now) and skimmer 24/7.
But good luck with the tank....hope to see pictures soon. I am trying to get a good picture of mine. Stupid camera.....