Will this coral make it?


I don't know if the coral is dead. My heater failed when I was out of town for 5 days. The tank dropped to 62 Deg. All the fish made it but my "Toadstool Leather" no longer has its frilly tentacles hanging out.
He doesn't look to be deteriating, but it has been 4 days and they still aren't out. The tank is now 76 Deg.
What do you think?
Mike H.

nm reef

Active Member
Yikes...definitely some stress related problems!! Leathers can be adaptable....its possible that it will recover.....mine tend to look pretty rough from time to time ...then they will re-open/shed/....then look as good as ever(if not even better)...mine seem to go through these stages in stable conditions....I would think the chances of yours recovering should be pretty good as long as the system returns to stable conditions.....give it some time....leathers are normally easy to keep ... good luck :cool:


Active Member
just keep your eye out for sclerites (the comonents that make up all leathers) around the rock area where his base is attatched. If you start to see these things which looklike small grains of rice, the leather is basically falling apart. You could try dipping it and maybe making a cutting off of a healthy lookign sectiopn, but is IME that once the sclerites start to fall apart, the leather isnt gonna make it.
good luck
I have a toadstool and it took one of these spells of not opening up for about a week and a half. Then one day it perked back up and has been good ever since. It probably just has to recover. Good Luck!!
<a href="http://www.geocities.com/reeftank125" target="_blank">www.geocities.com/reeftank125</a>


If I cut this leather in four pieces, like a pizza. How do you recommend attaching it to a rock? Has anyone tried this? How long did it take before it grew back?