will this help


I just read a post like this but different..I have a 125 fowlr and ugf and a 30 gal sump w/bio balls..I still cant change over the 125 to ls yet, but I was thinking of taking everthing out of the sump and making a dsb 4-6 in.- in there and adding more lr..will this help at all now..or even to set it up now would it help when the rest of the tank is donein ls...do I need a light on there when I put lr in there..looking to lower nitrares,plus white sand look very nice..thanx


Yes it will help as will getting rid of the UGF.
The sooner you can get the sand bed up in the main tank the better off you'll be though.


could I also take out the plastic to ugf and keep the cc for now..( spring time is better I cant get the sand or amount I'm looking for right now)but this way the ugf would be off thanx again


Active Member
If you cannot get rid of the ugf then just unplug the filter for it until you can.


you know unless you have certain fish a clean glass bottom won't hurt either and will make it easier to keep everything clean.


Active Member
peasly, great ideas, but myself, i don't know whether or not i would want to go through the hassle of ripping everything out twice, the ugf for now then in 2 or so months, the cc
there are some snails that burrow, and fish that burrow and move sand, but i'm relatively sure that they won't dig in and thru the cc like they would the sand and they defintiely will not burrow under the ugf, so you are still at the point of needing to remove it all, but if i could, i would do the work one time(if it is possible)
for now, i would work on the sump(slowly if you have fish), by the time that is done, it'll be almost spring and you won't have to worry about it


isnt there something about turning off ugf but not removing the plates that a toxic gas is built up underneath the ugf ??