will this light work



I have a 75 gallon fowlr and I would like to add an anemone. Currently just have a little T8 light 48". Im looking at buying a used 20" 70watt sunpod with a 20K bulb and moon lights for 75 dollars. Can I just sit this light over one side of my tank and place the anemone under it or is this not enough light for a tank my size.


as i have learned for many anemones that they move so it would be had to get the anemone to stay under that light because it will move to where it likes the flow and the lighting or it will die.


ahhh.... i see. Hmmm.. Maybe Ill hold off. Im looking at a few people selling set ups locally. Anemones prefer halides right?
Maybe I wont even get one. I just realized im gonna spend a fortune on lights just to keep one animal, i cant convert it to reef because I already have an eel and a trigger in this tank. I cant put one in my current reef tank cuz its only 30 gallon. I might just take that money and get a cheap little custom LED set up so i can view at night but i did have my eye on this sweet green carpet anemone.... the addiction of saltwater.


ya halides are the best just be careful the the carpet had on and it eat my sailfin and my three spoted damsel..


Active Member
A carpet anemone is a very large anemone... tank size may be an issue.
But the light is the bigger problem... on a 75g tank, to keep a carpet, I wouldn't use any less than 350w of halides.
Anemones move... but the motivation behind their moving, IME, is flow conditions more than light. So in a tank that's unevenly lit, it's entirely possible that they'll move to a non-lit area. You could move the light... then tomorrow, they may move again.
Holding off is probably a good idea.


thanks thats good advice. Ive never tried to keep one and dont know much other than they needs Halides. I ended up buying that light today for 75 dollars and he gave me 20 lb of LR for 20 bucks. I set it on top of one side of tank and I honestly dont think its going to be enough. Unless he is sitting right under it its not going to work. I think Im gonna keep looking for a right price right lights setup. Oh, and your right on the size of the carpets, I might go with a bubble or something else when I do get the right lights... Someone on CL has two 125watts would that be enough?
Also need advice on reef tank lighting. I currently have 6 22inch 24watt T5 bulbs on my 30 tall. I keep all softies and LPS with no problems. Do u think that I should use the new light I just got instead, the 70watt MH with a 14K bulb., its a current Sunpod with blue and white moonlights.


Active Member
I love BTAs hosting maroon clowns. I bought a single BTA about 5 years ago and it has reproduced into at least 7 anemones. Maroon clowns are stunning as they get larger.
I'd keep the T5s on the 30g. As a frame of reference, I use a 150 on my 24g nano.


Ill probably just resell that light. My cousin is just starting out in the hobby and may be able to use it.
or even better, Put it on a 10 or 20 gallon and have another nano.
In your opinion. What is the minimum watts per gallon needed to house a bubble tip? Also, thanks for the advice on the maroons I may get one or two down the line depending on my bioload. I currently have a SFE, coral beauty, kole tang and huma in there.


Active Member
If you wanted to keep BTAs successfully in a 75g, I'd use (2) 175w halides.
It is possible to keep them under less light, but IMO anemones are classified as "difficult" animals because people try to keep them under insufficient light. If you have enough light, they are a piece of cake.