Will this Live?

Hi guys,
I used to have a nice finger coral.. well I covered it up by mistake.. actually I think a piece of rock may have tumbled and I never fixed it, well anyway,
I was doing some rearranging of rock and added some lr today... I found this piece stuck to a rock fragment so I put it toward the top to see if it would thrive.. It seems to have some small little hairs or whatever you call on it.. I guess we'll see but wanted your opinions..
Thanking you kindly, Kim


Active Member
It looks ok..with leathers as long as there is no black area,it should spring back.Just give it time,and moderate flow.


Active Member
I would give it some time to see what happens. Leathers can look terrible and then start to come back. Not that this one looks all that "terrible."
I have had it (big) for about a year or more.. it ended up beneath some Lr for about 6 months.. GULP..
I found it today it had fragged itself into 3 pieces, I took this one and put it up top of some lr to see if it would come back... it seems to have the little "hairs" or tenticles on it ... we'll see what happens. It has never been black BTW. (someone asked that).
We'll see ....
I also bought some yellow polyps today to add color to my tank and did some housecleaning and rock re-arranging after seeing the pics of peoples tanks on another thread.
Im going to add a few pieces a day and a spraybar and build up my tank... Im so excited! I think it would be cool to save this poor little finger frag..I will make sure it gets some good flow without knocking it over
Thanking you kindly, Kim