will this sump/fuge run on 72 gallon bowfront


Made of 1/4" acrylic
Length: 25 7/8"
Width: 11"
Height: 16 1/4"
Three compartments
Input with bulkhead and drip plate: 4 1/8"
Refugium area (middle): 12"
Output with bulkhead: 8 3/4"
Holes between compartments are drilled approx 9" up to allow for slow water movement.
want to put this on a 72 gallon bowfront reef ready
also looking at a 58 gallon reef ready


Active Member
Are you asking if it will fit or what? It will run once you get an overflow and a return pump. Not quite sure what you are asking.


asking if its a big enough size to support a reef tank
tank will be drilled, and reef ready, just need to know if this sump/fuge is large enough to run a reef system


Active Member
you could put some LR rubble pieces in there but if it were me I would just leave it empty and put those pieces in the fuge for the pods. I wouldnt use bioballs but that is just personal preference.


I've got a CPR Cyclone on my 72g bowfront and it's a little smaller than the sump you've posted (14" x 8" x 14.5"). It's been up and runing for 2 weeks now and no problems. You'll be fine with it.