Will this work? 180g


Active Member
Those are all big fish with personalities to match. Personally, I'd scale back to two of the tangs. The yellow and hippo would be my choices. The passer angel is a punishing fish, and often very aggressive towards others. Maybe a majestic or emperor as alternate choices.
Plan on some serious filtration via a good skimmer in a tank like this.


Active Member
I like the emperor and queen but I might get a deal with a Passer. I have an overrated skimmer- 250g


Active Member
I am changing a lot of my ideas
I just got this huge mappa so he counts as a few fish
What I have:
Pinktail Trigger
Lunare Wrasse
Mappa Puffer
Want to add:
Queen Angel
Sohal Tang
Any comments are appreciated!! :)