Will this work.... need help adding stock.


New Member
I have a JBJ 12 gallon deluxe.
Getting ready to order lr and start cycling.
I would like 2 clowns, a royal gramma and a cleaner shrimp or sexy shrimp, both if possible.
In addition, I would like buble coral, star polyps and some mushrooms.
What should I add first, aside from snails, and how long for each other afterwards? Thanks.

sign guy

Active Member
Originally Posted by Seanem
I have a JBJ 12 gallon deluxe.
Getting ready to order lr and start cycling.
I would like 2 clowns, a royal gramma and a cleaner shrimp or sexy shrimp, both if possible.
In addition, I would like buble coral, star polyps and some mushrooms.
What should I add first, aside from snails, and how long for each other afterwards? Thanks.
what kind of light and filter will you use?


New Member
The filter will be what came with the nano cube, as will the lights with the exception I will be replacing one of the bulbs for a 24 watt blue actinic light. My LFS said this was quite adequate lighting, and with the heat generated should not even require a heater, though I will get a small one just in case.


Active Member
I have the 12 gal. aquapod. I'm not sure I would add both the clown and the royal grandma. I had 1 clown and a royal grandma. but I lost my royal grandma and I'm thinking about getting another clown. I have a cleaner shrimp too. But I have star polyps and they are doing great, I have 2 kinds of mushrooms, yellow polyps, a leather toadstool and some zoos. I added my snails and crabs first after cycling for 6 weeks and all levels being 0. 2 weeks later I added my cleaner shrimp. After 3 months I added a clown fish and a lemon goby. I added my coral about every week for the next month or so.
Anyway- good luck!!
here is a picture I took over the summer, it's a little different now, but still good.

sign guy

Active Member
zioe what kind of light do you have seanem's sounds low but im not shure as far as the fish I would add clown then the RG. shrimp next and then add the coral in no order. with the fish I would give it a week befor adding another